Music - Books - Reviews
Upon initial listen and review, Natural Child’s newest offering Be M’Guest had me feeling all kinds of ways. Excitement burst through my veins as one of my favorite bands announced a new record and let the world hear their first single, but while my feelings ranged from interested to happy to disappointed and finally to relieved, I tried to keep to a level head and listen to the album for what it was and not slap a naive and expectant lens over the entire project...
“You like hockey, right?” - “You like to read?” - “You like romance, too?”
These are the questions I was asked right before The Deal was brought up in conversation. "It's about hockey and you like reading, so you'll like it."
As I finished Elle Kennedy’s tale of an unlikely college couple, I thought back to the preceding remarks made by my best friend’s sister who recommended the book and let me borrow it (turns out I’d overlook the physical copy until I was asked to return it weeks later). That's where e-books come in handy…
Much to my surprise, the death of Myrtle Wilson came as an abrupt and unforeseen shock. And this was my second reading of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic The Great Gatsby… I briefly remember glossing over this title in high school and apparently had done so in incredible fashion seeing as I missed one of the defining details of the novel...
The summer sun sets on an uncertain and confusing year for many, but with more time at home comes a musical revolution worth purchasing a ticket to. Stuck inside with big plans, Mighty Tortuga gets ready to release their second EP The Gloom, and gives us a taste with their first single, “Reverie.”...
I’m happy about the tail end and it brings me back. The theme of the album is tied together well and makes you think about what these boys are trying to say. Is this an apology or is it some left over guilt of growing up? Everyone can relate to something going wrong in their life and having nothing to do about it. Natural Child is coming to some realizations and I’m feeling it. Growing up is hard to do, but if you have your pals it’s a hell of a lot easier...
A vacation scene is set. The clear blue waters of St. John the US Virgin Island coast easily under the bow of the spacious luxury boat you are being shuttled on. It’s warm out and you just may be wearing some sort of flowy shirt and a hat thats brim travels 360 degrees around your head. You’re sunned, you’re shaded, you’re enjoying the smoothly laid down tracks of a young quartet of fine musicians while a slow one burns by your side...