I’ve fallen in love with Hip Hop. I’ve fallen in love with Jazz. And for the better part of a decade I’ve fallen in love with drums and music that grooves.
BADBADNOTGOOD came into my frame of view by the way of YouTube cover videos. The intriguing capture of live sessions where three guys, one wearing a pig mask, played their versions of some of the most recognized Hip Hop tracks at that time. Odd Future, MF DOOM, and one of my personal favorites, A Tribe Called Quest. This trip grabbed my attention immediately (and made me want to use a 40 oz for a drum sound.)
“Kaleidoscope” comes out of the middle of the groups third album appropriately titled III. A favorite off the album and one of the more enticing tracks, “Kaleidoscope” is a perfect blend of everything I love in a song. Swift beats, uplifting horns, mellow horns, reprisals, moving bass lines, and much more. The track has that erie feeling that makes me want to drive around in the middle of the night.
Often a song I played the drums too, this track, along with a majority of BBNG’s catalog, helped me form my drum sound and overall groove. The smoothness of each part where the drums fit in perfect to accent the arrangement but ramp up the mood when needed.
“Kaleidoscope” holds a special place in my heart being the song I skated to in my first video part. With a vision in mind and my obsession with BBNG at the time, the choice was a no brainer. A perfect song to highlight the vibe of the video as a whole and my thoughts on my own part. Seeing the final product for the first time gave me goose bumps and filled me with pride.
Like all of BBNG’s music, “Kaleidoscope” will tickle that specific part of your brain. It will get you grooving. Hell it’ll probably fix your groove bone if it’s broken. Pop on the entire album and let it flow the way the band intended it to.