
I feel blessed and fortunate to have such a great group of friends who enjoy many of the same hobbies and interests as me. Growing up and keeping close friends is nothing short of amazing, especially when you've been together for over twenty years. Its incredible to me that my friends and I have such great connections that extend to all types of realms - most specifically with music. Just a bunch of thirty year olds who love a wide range of genres that still make us relevant with our parent's tastes.
"Pusherman" has been cropping up in our weekly playlists as we play softball two nights a week and if there isn't a Bluetooth speaker floating around somewhere there's something wrong. Curtis Mayfield has graced the airwaves many times this season as we get ready and have a couple cold ones with the boys.
This track reminds me of a certain teammate and friend who takes the initiative and plays what he enjoys. Good thing it's also what we all enjoy. I wanted to start off this week's playlist with a bonafide groove that'll give your week some life.
I'd Rather Go Blind

Another track with ties to the same speaker wielding teammate from above, Chicken Shack's "I'd Rather Go Blind" was a recommendation on my part that quickly found its way into the softball rotation. There has to be hundreds of covers of this song out there, so when I heard an unfamiliar one before our game I had to drop some knowledge.
Before our next game my teammate had to let me know that Chicken Shack's take on this classic was the best one they've ever heard.
I love this track because of its deep blues vibe, the way the rhythm section makes you feel, and the sweet and sultry singing of none other than a pre Fleetwood Mac Christine McVie.
Bloody Well Right

Keeping with the theme, a new and interesting friend, poised as the foil to my music guru status, learned me a thing or two when they told me about Supertramp's "Bloody Well Right." To be fair, I had already known of the band and quite possibly had already heard this song, but my sometimes naive nature stops me from truly acknowledging true art.
"Bloody Well Right" quickly became one of my regular plays as it enticed and excited me about all things "classic rock." I love the long build up intro, the space ship take off, and the crunching guitar riffs that drive this songs verse sections. Its got a great balance of everything lovely as each musician slings their instrument in their own showcasing moments.
Gold Rush

In a mixture of hope and sorrow, Death Cab's "Gold Rush" evokes in me bitter sweet feelings about life and love. This song is catchy and driven by an incredibly simple yet important drum beat while being ushered through by backing vocals that give me chills. In, what some say, a faltering time for Death Cab's music, the band marches towards their successful formula poised to show that they haven't changed for the worse.
As much as this song brings back memories of lost loves and childhood memories, it brings a smile to my face and takes me away from all my problems the moment it turns on. "Gold Rush" feels incredibility close to my heart for reasons I can't fully put my finger on. That may be a good representation of how music can move someone and make them feel alive. This track has me searching for a specific feeling again while simultaneously making me question why I love listening to it so much.
Whether this is just a song to you, I suggest giving it a few tries to see how it makes you feel and if you know why it's doing so.
Neon Magazine

"Neon Magazine" might be one of the most unique songs I've ever heard - one that has a standard verse and chorus layout, but one that doesn't remind me of anything else out there. This track oozes cool as the bass thumps on and the horns come in to give you a taste of dark midnight club jazz scenes. I don't know what that is, but it makes sense in this context and again I don't give a toot.
I think I love a good story in a song or at least one that is unique and funny. Being more attuned to the instrumentation aspect of music, I do drift towards the lyrical when its something as cool as this track. What is he talking about? I'm not exactly sure, but its definitely fun, sexy, and catchy.
Angry Eyes

The extended groove break in the middle of this track was the first to grab my attention. As the first portion of the song provided more than enough interest to keep listening, the middle jam took me to another level. The volume was turned up and the stank face came out multiple times.
Loggins & Messina are a duo I like to visit and revisit every now and again. There's just too much good songwriting to let those tracks slip through to the ether. "Angry Eyes" is a beautiful exception to whatever the heck rule I just made. This track stays put in my go to hard hitters and playlist essentials. One way or another, you're going to make the older crowd happy, perk up the ears of the youngins, and turn the heads of my friends. Head nods are all in effect after this tune kicks in.
Take a drive and slap this bad boy on the stereo.
Countdown to Shutdown

Who but one of my best friends and I would be discussing the new Hives record as we stood waiting for Fleet Foxes to grace the stage? Probably more than i'm letting on, but it still makes me laugh when I think about it.
Thanks to my concert buddy, I had to admit I hadn't heard the new single from the Hives, but that as soon as we left the incredibly indie folk show we'd turn on the Hives and finally get some distortion into our night.
I can say that I am pleasantly pleased with this new single and am excited for the full album. Its been a while since we were graced with new Hives music and I know the band won't disappoint. I hope this track chases away your next week's Sunday scaries with a gut punch from one of the most exciting garage rock bands.